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Post-Doctoral Network


Abreu Silva, Fernanda (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva)


Dr. Abreu Silva is a postdoctoral researcher and a Swiss Excellence Fellowship holder in the Department of International Relations and Political Science at the Geneva Graduate Institute (IHEID, 2022-2023). She is a historian with a doctoral degree in Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio, 2021), an MA in History from the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO, 2015), and an interdisciplinary postdoc at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ, 2022). Her dissertation focused on the highly contested transitional justice process and memory politics in Brazil after its transition to democracy in the mid-1980s and how a process nominally geared to truth and memory ended up producing a de facto “culture of silencing”. Her current work seeks to contribute to the discussion on the political consequences of transitional justice and the politics of memory, proposing to examine how these particular memory politics has contributed to the militarization of democratic politics that has been in singularly stark evidence since the election of right-populist and former army captain Jair Bolsonaro to the Brazilian presidency. She is also specializing in an MBA in Project Management at São Paulo University (USP, 2021-2023), and member of the Memory and Human Rights Group (UFRJ).


Aerne, Annatina (Université de Lausanne)


Dr. Aerne is currently a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Université de Lausanne. She completed her PhD at the University of St.Gallen at the end of 2018. Her thesis examined how the artistic scene contributes to build a public sphere in the post-conflict context of Colombia. Relying on social network analysis, the thesis looked at art organizations’ cooperation and consequent coalescence of art publics. Methodologically, the analysis built both on qualitative and quantitative data. After her PhD, Annatina Aerne worked on a project at the School of Economics and Political Science at the University of St.Gallen, focusing on the integration of refugees through vocational education and training.


Araújo, Victor (University of Zurich)


Victor Araújo is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Political Science (IPZ) at the University of Zurich (UZH), where he works in the research group for political economy and development. He holds a Ph.D. and a Master of Arts in Political Science and Comparative Politics from the University of São Paulo, Brazil. His work lies at the interplay between political behavior and public policy, mainly focusing on voters’ electoral responses to pro-poor policies (e.g., infrastructure projects and cash transfers). He is also interested in how infrastructure provision investments can prompt human capital and social development in rural areas of Latin American countries. Prior to his work at IPZ, he was a visiting senior researcher at the Institute for Applied Economic Research (IPEA), Brazil, and a visiting scholar at Duke University, United States. 


Bachmann, Pauline (University of Zurich / Universidad Pompeu Fabra)


Dr. Bachmann has always been interested in working at the disciplinary limits of art and literature. She studied Latin American Studies, Art History and History at Freie Universität Berlin where she graduated with a Master’s on Representations of the Caribean in Central American novels in 2010. Between 2011 and 2017 she was a research fellow of the DFG-funded Research Group „Transcultural Negotiations in the Ambits of Art“ also at Freie Universität Berlin. Nevertheless, she received her PhD in May 2017 from the Universität Zürich in Portuguese Literature. Her thesis inquires conceptions of embodiment in the Brazilian Neoconcrete Movement in Rio de Janeiro (1957-1967). She is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the UZH and Universidad Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona, Spain).


Barria, Cristóbal (Centre allemand d'histoire de l'art, Paris / Geneva)


Cristóbal F. Barria Bignotti (Santiago de Chile, 1984) holds a PhD in Art History from Sapienza University, Roma (2019) and he is currently a fellow at the Centre allemand d'histoire de l'art in Paris. He has also completed a period of post-doctoral research at the Centre for sensory Studies of the Concordia University in Montreal. Cristóbal specializes in 19th and 20th century Latin American art, specifically he is interested in the role of the senses in the circulation of images. From 2017 to 2018, he was head of a study group in Latin American art at the Istituto Italo-Latinoamericano in Rome (IILA) and currently he is co-editor of the journal Quaderni Culturali IILA for the same institution. Among his publications we can find: “Los cinco sentidos del paisaje. Tacto, olfato, vista, audición y gusto en la teoría del paisaje de Alexander von Humboldt” (2020); “Clement Greenberg’s Media Differentiation and Gustave Courbet’s Tactile Appeal” (2019); and “Due Momenti Della Critica d’Arte Latinoamericana del Novecento” (2017).


Bartoletti, Tomás (ETH Zurich)


Dr. Tomás Bartoletti is Postdoctoral Fellow at the Chair for History of the Modern World of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zürich. He is conducting a research project on the construction of Andean Indigeneity in nineteenth-century Latin America and preparing a global biography of the Swiss naturalist Johann Jakob von Tschudi. He earned his PhD in Classical Philology (2018) from the University of Buenos Aires reconstructing the epistemological history of Greek divination and its global translations during the Early Modern Period. At first, he read Latin American Linguistics and Literature at University of Buenos Aires and History and Sociology of Science and Technology at the University of Quilmes (Argentina). Bartoletti was Guest in the Research Center Gotha (2019), the Max-Weber-Kolleg at the University of Erfurt (2017-2018), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (2014-2016), University of Zürich (2012) and University of Essen-Duisburg (2006).


Bertazoni, Cristiana (University of Bonn)


Cristiana Bertazoni holds a Ph.D. in Art History and Theory from the University of Essex (United Kingdom).  She is currently a research associate at the Department of Anthropology of the Americas at the University of Bonn (Germany) where she is also a member of the Research Group Amazon-Andes. Cristiana was a founder member of the Centro de Estudos Mesoamericanos e Andinos at the University of São Paulo (Brazil) where she was one of the coordinators for seven years. She has worked as a postdoctoral researcher for the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology of the University of São Paulo, as associate research fellow for the University of London and as curatorial assistant for the British Museum. She is one of the editors of the book História e Arqueologia Indígena. Tempos Pré-Colombianos e Coloniais (2017). Her interdisciplinary research focuses on the Inca Empire and its connections with western Amazonian groups from pre-Columbian times onwards. Currently, she is developing a collaborative research project with an Ashaninka community settled in the Brazilian State of Acre that aims at mapping their sacred landscape.


Boanada-Fuchs, Anthony (University of São Paulo)


Dr. Fuchs has completed his PhD at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (Geneva), 2009-2015. His thesis "Housing Governance – A process-oriented, resource-centered Actor-Network Approach to Housing Provision Systems in Ahmedabad" was defended in March 2015 and obtained summa cum laude. Afterwards, he pursued a post-doctoral research at the Center for Metropolitan Studies of the University of São Paulo, with a project titled “Housing a Nation – the Governance of Affordable Residential Units in Brazil: the case of Metropolitan São Paulo”. He joined the ProDoc Latin America network in 2015 following the recommendation of colleagues from the Graduate Institute and University of St.Gallen. Anthony is a post-doc researcher at the University of Lausanne and at the ETH Zürich. His teaching and research aims at providing systematic accounts of development challenges and emerging solutions, with a special focus on housing policies and the role of governments to make housing more affordable. He started teaching at the University of St.Gallen in 2017.


Boanada-Fuchs, Vanessa (UNICAMP and University of St.Gallen)


Dr. Boanada is a legal and international relations scholar with a PhD in International Development Studies from the IHEID Geneva. Her thesis defense was awarded Summa cum Laude and the Lateinamerika Preis of the University of St.Gallen in 2015. She conducts postdoctoral research in the fields of International Law, Society and the Environment, and has joined an international team as postdoctoral researcher of projects carried out by the University of Campinas (Brazil, 2015/16) and the Michigan State University (USA, 2017). She was Academic Project Manager for the ProDoc and the Swiss School for Latin American Studies (SSLAS) from 2014-2017. Additionally, she was the Program Leader for bilateral cooperation for the CLS-HSG's "Leading House for the Latin American Region". Currently, she is the Director of the St.Gallen Institute of Management in Latin America (GIMLA) in São Paulo, Brazil.


Butti, Elena (IHEID)


Dr. Elena Butti is an anthropologist, humanitarian practitioner and participatory film-maker interested in the lives of adolescents and young people at the urban margins. She holds a PhD and a postdoc from the University of Oxford, and a postdoc from the Graduate Institute in Geneva (IHEID). Her current book project We Are the Nobodies: Adolescents’ first steps into crime in Colombia is an ethnographic exploration of the lives of adolescents living and working at the low ends of organized crime in and around Medellín, Colombia. In addition to her research, Elena has collaborated with several international organizations on matters related to the Youth, Peace and Security agenda. She is now working as the global technical advisor for adolescent and youth programming for the humanitarian NGO War Child. Elena is also the author of several participatory films co-directed with young people in Colombia. More information can be found at


Curatola Fernández, Giulia (University of Bern)


Dr. Giulia Curatola Fernández is a Research Associate at the Land Systems and Sustainable Land Management Unit of the Institute of Geography at the University of Bern. She studied Geography at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PE) and at the University of Fribourg (CH) and she holds a PhD in Natural Sciences from the University of Marburg (DE). Her research topic is the detection and analysis of landscape transformations through quantitative and qualitative mixed methods based on remote sensing and GIS. Specifically, she focuses on the drivers, patterns and impacts of land use/cover change and ecosystem (forest and peatland) fragmentation and degradation in tropical regions. She is particularly interested in applying transdisciplinary approaches to find sustainable land management strategies.


Dupuits, Emilie (University of Geneva)


Dr. Dupuits began her PhD in February 2013. The title of her thesis project was "Parler d’une seule voix? Organisations de base, réseaux transnationaux et reconfigurations  de la gouvernance communautaire de l’eau et des forêts en Amérique Latine". She has also worked as a teaching assistant at the Global Studies Institute of the University of Geneva. In 2015, she received a Doc.Mobility grant to conduct part of her research at the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) in Lima, Peru. She finished her dissertatation in November 2017. Emilie Dupuits currently works as a Postdoc researcher, financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). She is guest researcher in the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, at the Universidad Central del Ecuador.


Ferrer Calle, Javier (University of Siegen, Germany)


Dr. Javier Ferrer Calle is a Research Assistant at the Seminar of Romance Philology of the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Siegen (Germany). He has been a Research Fellow at the Universities of Bielefeld and Rostock (Germany). He holds a PhD in Romance Philology from the University of Konstanz. He studied Journalism and Political Science and Administration at the Universities of Granada, Rey Juan Carlos and Carlos III in Madrid (Spain) and Sciences Po Lille (France). His fields of research are contemporary Ibero-American literature and cinema. His habilitation project focuses on the analysis of narratives on corruption in film and literature in Latin America and Spain. Currently he is preparing a book on the work of the Spanish-Argentine writer Andrés Neuman. His publications include, "Corrupción en México en el siglo XXI” (Ed.) (August 2021), "Memes de la corrupción en las redes sociales de España“ (2020), and "Matándome de risa. Suicidio y humor negro en dos relatos de Andrés Neuman“ (2020).


Gehbald, Agnes (University of Bern)


Agnes Gehbald works as a postdoctoral research assistant in Modern History at the Universität Bern, Switzerland. Her research interests include the study of Enlightenment in Spanish America, especially in colonial Peru, book history, with a particular interest in popular print culture, and transatlantic migration history. She has been trained in History, Spanish and German Philology at the Universität Konstanz. In 2020, she completed her PhD in Latin American History at the Universität zu Köln. Before, she spent time as a fellow at the John Carter Brown Library at Brown University (2018) and as a visiting PhD student at the Centre of Latin American Studies at the University of Cambridge (2019–2020). She is currently working on a new project, in which she explores patterns of return migration from Latin America to Europe during the age of mass migration, c. 1870–1920.


Gertschen, Alex (University of Bern)


Dr. Gertschen is an associated researcher at the Center for Global Studies at the University of Bern, working on sustainable development, corporate social responsibility and political economy in the context of internationalisation and globalisation. He lectures on these topics at the University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons and the University of St.Gallen. Moreover, he regularly conducts research projects and stakeholder dialogues for the Commission for Research Partnerships with Developing Countries of the Swiss Academy of Sciences. He holds a PhD in History from the Philipps-University of Marburg, Germany, and an MA degree in History and Economics from the University of Fribourg, Switzerland. He has done research stays in Belgium, France, Germany, Mexico, Switzerland, and the United States; and has been guest lecturer at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Among his latest publications are: Corporations and Development, in: Corinna R. Unger/Iris Borowy/Corinne A. Pernet (eds.): The Routledge Handbook on the History of Development, New York 2021 (forthcoming, with Olisa Godson); Economic Development and Cultural Change: The Role of Multinational Enterprises in Mexico’s Emerging Dual Economy (1970s to 2000s), in: Philipp Aerni/Marianthe Stavridou/Isabelle Schluep (eds.): Transitioning to Decent Work and Economic Growth, Basel 2021, pp. 9-38.


Giraldo, Isis (University of Lausanne)


Isis Giraldo holds a PhD from the University of Lausanne (2017, honours). Her work belongs within the fields of cultural and media studies from critical approaches that recentre power and social justice. Empirically, it mostly focuses on Colombia and aims at showing how cultural hegemony has helped maintain stark imbalances of power along the axes of gender, race, and social class, and justify regimes of rule by a privileged few. Theoretically, it aims at connecting Northern feminist theories and postcolonial studies with critical thought on gender, race, and coloniality as developed from within Latin America. Her work has been published in journals such as La manzana de la discordia, Feminist Media Studies, Feminist Theory, and Debate Feminista, among others. For further information visit her professional website ( and her blog ( (a project of popularasiton of her academic work in Spanish and addressed to Colombian and Latin American audiences). Giraldo is currently finishing her first book manuscript —Regimes of Colombianidad: Beauty, Citizenship, and Sex— for The Universityof Pittsburgh Press.


Guardado, Clara Miriam (University of Zurich)


Clara Guardado pursued her Bachelors degree in Sociocultural Anthropology in El Salvador. For her BA dissertation, she focused on post-war political actors in the Segundo Montes community, which is a settlement of former guerrillas. She conducted a year of fieldwork among them based on ethnographic experience, testimonies and participant observation. She had the opportunity to understand the way in which civil war impacted the everyday lives of the victims and the way in which they deal with the absence of their loved ones while still continuing to be very politically committed. She studied a Masters degree in Anthropology and Sociology at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID) in Geneve. This time she focused her research in the way in which decisions regarding food sovereignty take place in El Salvador. She defended her doctoral dissertation “Materiality of the Political Violence in El Salvador and Guatemala: Rethinking Memory, Peace, and Justice in the post conflict era” at the UZH in 2022.


Machado Nunes, Guilherme (University of Geneva)


Guilherme Machado Nunes (Porto Alegre, Brazil, 1990) is an Excellence Scholarship holder from Swiss Government (2021-2022) at the University of Geneva, where he develops research entitled “Latin American women in the Cold War: organizations, debates and feminism from a transnational
perspective (1945-1975)” under the supervision of Professor Dr. Sandrine Kott. His Doctoral Dissertation in History presented at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul in 2021 dealt with  Brazilian communist women, and the current research expands the focus to the subcontinent, emphasizing relationships, connection and attempts at international cooperation between communist and non-communist women that emerged despite the limits imposed by the Iron Curtain. Dr. Nunes also has researchs and articles in the field of Labor History, with an emphasis on labor legislation and the worker’s movement in Brazil and South America in the 1930s, in addition to dedicating himself to the History of Communism in the 20th century.


Masseno, André (University of Zurich and University of St Gallen)


André Masseno holds a PhD in Portuguese Literature at the University of Zurich, where he was also an assistant and teaching fellow for Brazilian and Latin American Literature at the Institute of Romance Studies (2014-2020). He holds a Master Degree in Literature from the Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ). He is a member of the editorial committee of the magazine “Língua-lugar: Literatura, História, Estudos Culturais” (Université de Genève/Universität Zürich).  Since 2019 is a lecturer for Portuguese at the University of St. Gallen. He has always been interessed in working at the disciplinary limits between literature, history, art and culture. He has co-edited the publications “Antropofagias: um livro manifesto!: práticas de devoração a partir de Oswald de Andrade” (Peter Lang, 2021), “Bioescritas/Biopoéticas: corpo, memória e arquivos” (Sulina, 2017), among others. Currently, he develops his postdoctoral research “Subterranean Materialities. Disruptive Texts in Latin America” and also organizes, along with Pauline Bachmann and Dayron Carrillo-Morell, the podcast series “Materialismos en América Latina: arte, activismo y cultura crítica”, a project supported by Latin American Center Zurich (New Research Formats Grant 2021). In Fall 2022, he will launch his monograph book “A trama tropical: capítulos da (contra)cultura brasileira”.


Mausfeld, Dianne Violeta (University of Bern)

Dianne Violeta Mausfeld obtained her PhD in History from the University of Bern in the Fall of 2022. Her dissertation, “'American Made with a Mexican Flow!' Chicano Hip-Hop in Los Angeles, 1987-2001", focuses on Mexican American and Latino artists in the emergence of Chicano rap in Los Angeles during the 1980s and 1990s. It is part of the SNF-funded research project “Hip Hop as a transcultural phenomenon. Jamaican and Latin American cultural signifiers in US Hip-Hop (New York and Los Angeles, c.1970s – 1990s)”, directed by Prof. Christian Büschges and Prof. Britta Sweers. As an associated researcher at the Department for Iberian and Latinamerican History at the University of Bern, she is currently developing a postdoctoral project on Portuguese migration in California (19th and 20th century).


Milanezi, Jaciane (CEBRAP and IHEID)


Jaciane Milanezi is a sociologist in the field of health inequalities. She received her Ph.D. in Sociology from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) in 2019. She is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Brazilian Center of Analysis and Planning (CEBRAP) where she conducts a study on the reproductive health of non-white immigrant women in the city of São Paulo. At Cebrap, she is also a researcher at AFRO, a Brazilian center on race, gender and racial justice. During the academic year of 2021-2022, she is going to be a visiting fellow at the Department of Anthropology and Sociology at the Graduate Institute Geneva (IHEID). Her research interests include the access to public health care by Black Brazilian women and immigrants. She explores these issues through the use of in-depth interviews with public employees and ethnography of bureaucracies of the Brazilian Public Health System. She is a postdoc financed by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP).


Muelli, Linda Martina (University of Basel)



Dr. Linda Martina Muelli is a business anthropologist and ESG policy advisor with a focus on social and governmental sustainability. Specialized in qualitative methods, impact assessment, and strategy, she has experience in projects addressing work and organizational development, diversity and inclusion (D&I), innovation, migration and cultural policy. She holds a PhD in cultural anthropology from the LMU Munich and the University of Basel. Her PhD research study focused on organizational structures, diversity and social sustainability within the United Nations system. In her book titled Privileged Precarities. An Organizational Ethnography of Early Career Workers at the United Nations (2021) she analyzes the work and lifeworld of the United Nations from the perspective of early career professionals. She holds an MA in History and Cultural Anthropology / European Ethnology from the University of Vienna and Basel. In her BA, she studied Spanish Literature and Linguistics at the University of Basel, the Universidad de Sevilla and the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. She is fluent in Spanish and Portuguese. She is currently working on a postdoc project on the impact of ESG policies on everyday life in Brazilian companies, which will be realized in cooperation with the COPPEAD Business School of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ.


Müller, Andrea (University of Bern)


Ms. Muller completed her PhD at the Department of Iberian and Latin American History at the University of Bern in September 2020. Her thesis entitled “Repensar la ‘Revolución del Poncho’: Activismo católico y políticas de representación en el espacio andino del Ecuador (1955-1988)” examines entanglements between religious and lay actors related to the Catholic Church and the formation of the Indigenous Movement in Ecuador. She holds a Master of Arts in Spanish literature and linguistics, Social Anthropology, and Political Science from the University of Zurich. Currently, she is a postdoc at the University of Bern, working on a new project on the history of international development cooperation in mountain regions.


Nussio, Enzo (ETH Zurich)


Dr. Nussio is a senior researcher at the Center for Security Studies. He holds a doctorate in International Affairs and Governance from the University of St.Gallen and a Master of Arts in History from the University of Basel. Prior to his work at the CSS, he spent several years in Colombia, where he worked as a post-doc for the Universidad de los Andes and as a lecturer for the Universidad Nacional in Bogotá. He conducted further post-doctoral studies in the Institute of Latin American Studies at Stockholm University and the University of St.Gallen, and visited the University of Michigan and Uppsala University in several occasions. Enzo Nussio specializes in post-conflict issues (such as disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of ex-combatants, reconciliation, transitional justice, state-building and post-war violence) and violence reduction in urban settings, mostly in Latin America.


Olano, Carlos (University of Bern)


Carlos Olano Paredes completed his PhD in History at Freie Universität Berlin in 2022 and is currently working as a postdoctoral assistant in Iberian and Latin American History at the University of Bern. In his doctoral thesis he worked on Basque migration and trade networks in the second half of the 18th century. His research interests are related to cultural and intellectual history, the history of written culture, as well as the materialities and practices of knowledge in a global perspective.


Oppliger, Astrid (University of Lausanne)


Astrid Oppliger-Uribe has a PhD in environmental sciences at the Institute of geography and sustainability (IGD) at the University of Lausanne.  Her research focused on the interface of environmental science and policy-making. To this end, she investigated the scientific field of forest hydrology and its phases of production, circulation and application of scientific knowledge. She conducted field campaigns and interviews in Chile, South Africa, and Australia, studying especially eucalyptus trees. She holds a Master of Science degree in Governance of Risks and Resources from the Universität Heidelberg, and a Bachelor of Science in Geography from the Universidad de Chile. Additionally, she holds a scientific specialisation in Sustainable Development from the IGS North-South in Switzerland. The central element of her research is the resoure of water – also oceanic coasts – and its interaction with its physical (e.g. forests-vegetations) and social environment, its governance, and the its management and risks such as the social construction of water scarcity. She has experience in inter- and trans-disciplinarity, in historical studies of science, in the production of scientific knowledge, its autonomy, and their contestations of legitimacy. She is also interested in transitions. 


Piniella, Isabel (University of Bern)


Dr. des. Isabel Piniella is an independent researcher specialized in Latin American and global history. She conducted her doctoral research at the Institute of History of the University of Bern as a member of the Global Studies Program. Piniella studied Humanities with a major in Contemporary History and Philosophy at the Pompeu Fabra University and holds a master’s degree in Contemporary Philosophy from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. She has been awarded with a scholarship in 2018 from the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst for pursuing research at the Iberoamerikanisches Institut in Berlin and in 2019 from the Dr. Joséphine de Karman Foundation. She is currently preparing a postdoctoral research project following her interest in artistic practices and their historiographic purposes, especially in objects and devices crossed by deterioration, memory and affect.


Ramírez Gröbli, María del Pilar (University of Bern)


Dr. Ramírez Gröbli is a research assistant in the project "Social and ecological impacts of palm oil production" at the Institute of Social Anthropology and is an associate researcher at the Center for Global Studies at the University of Bern. She currently coordinates the working group of the Colombian Association of Researchers (ACIS) in German-speaking Switzerland.  She completed her doctoral studies at the University of St. Gallen in 2014 and worked as an assistant at the Institute for Spanish Language and Literature between 2010 and 2014, where she also lectured Spanish. In 2007, she has completed her Lic. Phil I in Spanish and Political Science at the University of Zurich. In 1999 she graduated at the Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, with a Master's degree in International Relations, and in 1994 she obtained a Bachelor's degree in Spanish and English Literature at the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Bogotá, Colombia. Currently, she is a member of the editorial board of the journal Alternautas and participates in various research groups and academic associations. Recently, she has published her book Soundscapes of return. Oil Palm, dispossession and Peace Cultures in the Colombian Post-conflict (in Spanish).


Ramos de Santana, Aderivaldo (University of Zürich)


Aderivaldo Ramos de Santana is currently a Ph.D. Scholarship holder at the University of Zurich. He earned his Ph.D. in History from Sorbonne University in 2022. Prior to that, he completed his M.A. in Letters at Rennes 2 University in 2009. His academic journey also includes a B.A. in History from the University Catholic of Rio de Janeiro (Puc-Rio) in 2006 and an international exchange program at the Autonomous University of Madrid in 2004. His past and current research focuses on the biographies of enslaved individuals, the transatlantic slave trade to Brazil, book trade and slave trafficking. Throughout his academic career, Aderivaldo Ramos de Santana has been fortunate to receive various fellowships and grants, including the Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship for 2023/2024. He has also been actively engaged in teaching roles. He served as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Letters at Rennes 2 University from 2010 to 2012, at Bordeaux Montaigne University from 2018 to 2021, and at Paul-Valéry – Montpellier 3 – University from 2021 to 2022.


Rojas Cocoma, Carlos (University of Bern)


Dr. Rojas Cocoma is PhD in history. He is currently doing postdoctoral research at the University of Bern, as part of the "Global horizons" project led by Prof. Dr. Beate Fricke. His research topics on pre-Hispanic Muisca art and its relationship to plants and hallucinogenic substances; Histories of the Hispanic World; History of South American Images; Museal and Curatorial Practices and History of Photography.


Ribeiro Guimarães, Mayara (University of Zürich, Universidade Federal do Pará)


Dr. Ribeiro Guimarães is an associate professor of Brazilian Literature at the Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), in Belém, Brazil. She holds a doctorate (2000-2005) and a master's degree in Brazilian Literature from the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), where she also developed a post-doctoral project (2009-2012) in Comparative Literature entitled “The staging of the heterogeneous in contemporary Brazilian fiction”. She is a CNPq researcher and Editor-in-Chief of the MOARA Journal, a journal on literary and linguistics studies from the Post-Graduation Program in Literature at UFPA. She is now a post-doctorate researcher at the University of Zürich and develops the project entitled “Anthropophagy, violence and invention: poetic experience and otherness in literature and other arts.” She was a member of the board of directors of the Brazilian Association of Comparative Literature (ABRALIC) in 2014-2015. She has co-edited the short story collection Clarice Lispector - Extratextos (2012) and the essay collections No horizonte do provisório. Ensaios sobre tradução (2013), Tradução: limiares e caminhos (2017), and Max Martins em colóquio: estudos de poesia (2019), among others. Her studies address transdisciplinary approaches in literature, visual arts and translation, focusing on modern and contemporary poetry, fiction and arts.


Rosauro, Elena (University of Zurich)


Dr. Rosauro is an art historian, Latin Americanist, and curator. She is currently the coordinator of the Latin American Center of the University of Zurich, and a postdoctoral researcher at the same university. Her PhD dissertation History and Violence in Latin America. Artistic Strategies, 1992-2012 was published by Cendeac (Murcia, Spain) in 2017. Her postdoctoral research focuses on memory and dealing with violent pasts through contemporary arts both in Latin America and Spain. She is also co-founder and co-curator at the independent art space la_cápsula in Zurich. Her work both in research and curating tries to offer some partial and situated comments about violence, injustice, destruction and history.


Silva Garzón, Diego (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, and University of Oxford)


Dr. Silva works as a postdoctoral researcher at the Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy for the project “Bringing the seed wars to the courtroom”. His work is located at the intersection of science and technology studies, environmental and legal anthropology and economics, paying special attention to the socio-technical networks that are necessary for, and the rural conflicts that arise from, the deployment of agricultural innovations. His thesis was awarded the Lateinamerika Preise for the best Swiss thesis in Latin American Studies (University of St. Gallen), and the Prix des Anciens for the best 2017 Ph.D. thesis at the IHEID. In October 2018, he will start his new project at the Institute for Science, Technology and Society (Oxford University) on the deployment of climate ready seeds in Argentina. He is editor of Alternautas.


Strazzeri, Victor (University of Geneva)


Dr. Strazzeri is a postdoctoral fellow at the History Department of the University of Geneva with a project titled "Purple on red: (euro)communists and feminists in the global 1970s". The project aims to reconstruct the post-1968 encounter between communism and feminism in Italy, Spain and Brazil and is supported by a 2020-21 SNF Spark Grant. Before joining the University of Geneva, where he has been working with Prof. Sandrine Kott, Dr. Strazzeri was a Postdoctoral Fellow and Adjunct Lecturer at the University of Bern (2017-2019), where he researched under the guidance of Brigitte Studer. Dr. Strazzeri holds a PhD from the Freie Universität Berlin with a dissertation on Max Weber and German Social Democracy (due to be published in 2022 in Brill's Historical Materialism Series) and has co-founded an international network of early-career researchers with an interest on Max Weber called 'Weber Scholars Network'. During his time in Berlin, Victor Strazzeri was a DAAD scholarship holder and  also undertook research stays in Freiburg i.B. and Washington, DC. Dr. Strazzeri has a strong interdisciplinary background and is a member and regular collaborator of the Berlin Institute for Critical Theory (InkriT) and the Centre d’Estudis sobre Dictadures i Democràcies (CEDID) at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Before coming to Europe, Dr. Strazzeri earned a BA in Social Sciences (Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo) and an MA in Social Work (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) in his native Brazil.


Streule, Monika (ETH Zurich, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE))


Dr. Streule is an urban researcher based at the Latin America and Caribbean Centre of the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). Her research engages with the social production of space, urbanization processes, and inventive methodologies of qualitative research. She is interested in comparative urbanism and a relational understanding of urban territory from post- and decolonial perspectives for a more global approach to understanding cities. Currently, Monika Streule is the principle investigator of the project “Decolonizing ecology: Contested urban territories in Mexico City and La Paz/El Alto”. She was awarded a Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie Individual Fellowship, funded by the European Commission. She received her PhD in Urban Studies from ETH Zürich and holds an MA in Anthropology, Sociology, and Political Sciences from the University of Zurich. She was a visiting researcher at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) during several occasions, and conducted post-doctoral studies at the Institute of Advanced Studies of the University College London, at the HafenCity University Hamburg, and at the Universidad Tecnológica de La Habana José Antonio Echeverría (CUJAE). She is an associated researcher at the Instituto de Investigaciones Socio-Económicas de la Universidad Católica Boliviana, La Paz. 


Teubner, Melina (University of Bern)


Mrs. Teubner studied Latin American History, History and Portuguese Literature at the University of Cologne. In 2013, her magister-thesis was granted with the Georg-Rudolf-Lind price of the "Deutscher Lusitanistenverband". Between 2014 and 2018 she was a research fellow of the a.r.t.e.s.-Graduate School for the Humanities at the University of Cologne. In December 2018, she completed her PhD in Iberian and Latin American history at the University of Cologne. Her thesis «A arte de cozinhar: Sklavenschiffsköche, Ernährung und Diaspora» examines how laborers who were involved in the food sector, such as slave ship cooks and food vending women, contributed to the infrastructure of the 19th century transatlantic slave trade to Brazil.  She is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the History Department of the University of Bern.


Tribaldos, Theresa (CDE, University of Bern)


Dr. Theresa Tribaldos is a Senior Research Scientist at the Centre for Development and Environment and at the Institute of Geography at the University of Bern. Her research addresses on the one hand sustainability and justice questions in food systems and their transformations. On the other, she is interested in transdisciplinary approaches and specifically how research can contribute to sustainable development and what role researchers can play. Theresa Tribaldos studied Geography at the University of Zurich and has an MA in Geopolitics, Territory and Security from King’s College London. She did her PhD in International Relations at ETH Zurich and worked for several years in a private consultancy firm in Zurich before joining the University of Bern.


Tzouflas, Konstantinos (University of Zurich)


Konstantinos Tzouflas is a Postdoctoral Researcher conducting research and teaching at the University of Zurich. His Postdoctoral project is titled: “Cinema (not) in Crisis, the New Argentine Cinema and the Greek New Wave” and supported by the Foundation Sophie Afenduli. He finished his PhD Thesis on Mosaic Films at the University Paris.Diderot (Paris 7) Sorbonne Paris Cité in November 2013. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Communication (Panteion University of Athens) and a Master's Degree in Film Studies (Université Paris 1 – Panthéon-Sorbonne). He has taught at the University of Thessaly in Greece and conducted research as a Visiting Scholar at the University of Buenos Aires. His research interests are crisis and cinema, contemporary Greek film production, Latin American Cinema, Film Festivals and complex narrative films.


Voirol, Jérémie (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva)


Dr. Jérémie Voirol holds a PhD in Social Sciences (specialisation in Social Anthropology) from the University of Lausanne (2016). Since 2017, he has been an Honorary Visiting Research Fellow at the Department of Social Anthropology and at the Granada Centre for Visual Anthropology at the University of Manchester. Since 2018, he has been a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Graduate Institute of Geneva for the project ‘Returning to a Better Place: The (Re)assessment of the “Good Life” in Times of Crisis’ funded by the European Research Council (ERC) and headed by Dr. Valerio Simoni. Jérémie Voirol has carried out ethnographic research mostly in Ecuador, focusing on youth and music in urban contexts and on festivities and music in indigenous rural areas (mainly with Otavalo indigenous people). His investigations look at the circulation of people, ideas, objects, and sounds at different scales as well as on playful festive experiences, with theoretical interests spanning globalisation, identity, and indigeneity construction, sociability, morality, exchange, performance, play, and pragmatism. The ERC project at the Graduate Institute addresses how ideals of the ‘good life’ are articulated, (re)assessed, and related to specific places and contexts as a result of experiences of crisis and migration by Ecuadorian and Cuban migrants who suffered the 2008 financial crisis in Spain. Within this project, Jérémie Voirol has carried out ethnographic research in Quito and northern towns of Ecuador, exploring the experiences of Ecuadorian returnees. He published a monograph on techno subculture in Ecuador in 2010, with Abya-Yala in Spanish and with Éditions Universitaires Européennes in French.


Wüst, Luc (University of St.Gallen)


Dr. Wüst is a Junior Research Fellow at the Institute for Systemic Management and Public Governance (IMP-HSG) and completed his PhD in 2021. He wrote his thesis about public policy analysis in the Brazilian smallholder agriculture sector, analyzing the municipal implementation of a policy reform for public procurement in the National School Food Program - PNAE (Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar). Drawing on institutional organization theory, the research describes the implementation process in the local context, analyzing how actor constellations and their different rationalities influence the translation of changing institutional demands into local contexts. For this purpose, four case studies in the State of São Paulo were conducted. 




For Universität St. Gallen please contact:​

Maylawi Herbas (Coordinator)

Swiss School of Latin American Studies (SSLAS)

Universität St.Gallen
Unterer Graben 21
CH-9000 St.Gallen



Dr. Rocío Robinson-Wiedemann

Senior Program Manager & Academic Coordinator

Swiss School of Latin American Studies (SSLAS)

Universität St.Gallen
Müller-Friedberg-Strasse 8
CH-9000 St.Gallen



​For Universität Zürich please contact:

Nathalie Schmid (Coordinator)

Latin American Center Zurich (LZZ)

Romanisches Seminar

Zürichbergstrasse 8
CH-8032 Zürich




For Universität Bern please contact:

Dr. Carlos Olano

Universität Bern

Historisches Institut

Iberische und Lateinamerikanische Geschichte

Länggassstrasse 49

CH-3000 Bern 9


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